In Zone Enrolment FAQs
Is there a minimum time we have to live in zone before enrolling?
Is there a minimum time we have to live in zone before enrolling?
No, there is no minimum time. If you move into zone and can provide the in zone evidence required, you are able to apply as an in zone enrolment.
In Zone Application Information
My spouse and I are separated and only one of us lives in the zone, are we still entitled to apply as an in zone enrolment?
My spouse and I are separated and only one of us lives in the zone, are we still entitled to apply as an in zone enrolment?
This depends on where the student spends the majority of their time while the school is open for instruction. In order to satisfy the school of this you may need to supply a copy of the custody agreement or other legal documentation.
We live in zone now but we are moving out of zone during the summer holiday prior to starting at THS. Are we still an in zone enrolment?
We live in zone now but we are moving out of zone during the summer holiday prior to starting at THS. Are we still an in zone enrolment?
No. The requirement is that the student must be living at their in zone address when they start attending THS.
Out of Zone Enrolment FAQs
The School will notify you in writing (by email) of your ranking on the ballot within a few days of the ballot taking place. Specific details of this year's ballot can be found on our Out of Zone Enrolment page.
If I attended THS or have had another child who is / was a student, will my child receive priority through the ballot?
If I attended THS or have had another child who is / was a student, will my child receive priority through the ballot?
Yes. Legislation passed in 2010 allows for children of former students to receive priority in the Out of Zone ballot. Further details about priority categories are available by viewing the Enrolment Scheme. This only applies until the application closing date.
My child is a very strong academic / sportsperson / musician. Will this give them preference over other students for an Out of Zone place?
My child is a very strong academic / sportsperson / musician. Will this give them preference over other students for an Out of Zone place?
No. The ballot is completed under Police Supervision in the same way as a lottery.
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