School Zone / Enrolment Scheme

Home Zone

  • To avoid overcrowding or the likelihood of overcrowding at the school.

  • To ensure that the selection of applicants for enrolment at the school is carried out in a fair and transparent manner.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​As far as possible, the enrolment scheme will ensure that:


  • Local students are not excluded.

  • No more students are excluded from the school than is necessary to avoid overcrowding.

​​​​​​​All students who live within the home zone described in this section (and shown on the map link) shall be eligible to enrol at the school.


Please note that all students are encouraged to apply for enrolment regardless of their place of permanent residence.


All students who live within the zone described in this section shall be entitled to enrol at Taradale High School. The zone’s boundaries are defined as per the supporting maps:



  • The Ngaruroro river mouth following the Ngaruroro river to the river bridge crossing on the Napier Hastings Expressway, continuing along the Ngaruroro river to the northernmost point of its large bend.

  • A straight line from this point to the Tutaekuri-waimate stream where it crosses State Highway 50

  • This stream and its continuation through Lake Oingo to its source.

  • A straight line from this point to the end of Moteo Pa Road

  • A straight line to the Tutaekuri river immediately opposite the southern end of Apley Road

  • The Tutaekuri river to the Dartmoor Bridge

  • The Mangaone River north from Dartmoor to the Rissington Bridge

  • Puketitiri Road, including all dwellings with immediate access on both sides of the road, to the Seafield Road junction

  • Puketitiri Road (and adjacent properties with access to it) to the junction with Puketapu Road

  • A line from this junction to the Taipa stream mouth that includes Ballantyne Road

  • A line that follows the Taipa Stream from its river to Prebensen Drive.


  • Prebensen Drive south to its intersection with Merlot Drive, follow Merlot Drive southeast and in a line directly from it to the Taipa Stream and then a line from the Taipa Stream southwest to Wharerangi Road.

  •  East up Wharerangi Road to the Westminster Avenue roundabout.

  • From the roundabout, the west side only of Westminster Avenue until the York Avenue intersection

  • South down York Avenue, taking in sections on both sides, where applicable, then across the intersection with Gloucester Street, south down Guppy Road, taking in sections on both sides, until its intersection with Tait Drive.

  • A straight line south-east to the Napier Hastings Expressway, excluding sections to the north of this line

  • North-east along the expressway to a point opposite Tiffen Place.

  •  A straight line east to the north end of the Loop on Riverbend Road (not including any of Pirimai or Maraenui

  • A line south-east to the intersection of Willowpark Avenue and Kenny Road, following Kenny Road to its intersection with Te Awa Avenue, taking in all sections on Kenny and Eriksen Roads, then following a line east to the coast.

The above area is shown on the attached map (click the maps to enlarge). Proof of residence within the zone is required.